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Magical ability in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-06-20Updated:2024-06-20
Similar words: physical abilityscalabilitysalabilitymental abilitynatural abilitycalculabilityfinancial abilitylabilityMeaning: n. an ability to perform magic. 
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1, Finally, magic requires innate magical ability.
2, This colleague has an almost magical ability to get away with doing less work than everyone else.
3, In Philosophers'Stone, readers learn along with Harry that magical ability is natural and inherent.
4, "I don't have any magical ability, " he said. "I look at a.
5, Charal had the magical ability to change form, thanks to a special ring that she wore.
6, What magical ability one must possess to annoy so many people in such a short time?
7, We've all heard of warm milk's magical ability to send us off to dreamland.
8, A lock is a physical defense power and magical ability to value the right mix of relevant armor.
9, Still, no matter how many pointy-headed tests are dreamed up, there will always be pet owners who believe their dogs possess the magical ability to apprehend their larger place in the world.
10, That was done on a corpus of 20m papers, which is testament to the almost magical ability of computers to find patterns,[ ability.html] in what looks like noise.
11, Overshadowed by Potter, Neville had a rocky, bullied start in life, suffering clumsiness and a spotty magical ability crippled by his own insecurities.
12, In general, you can script opponent attributes such as intelligence, speed, strength, courage, and magical ability.
13, The knights wear a special armor into battle, from which their magical ability arises.
14, By tracking individual cells in genetically modified salamanders, researchers have found an unexpected explanation for their seemingly magical ability to regrow lost limbs.
15, Overall Disadvantages:Takes most damage, usually dies the most, hard to escape an enemy, hard to take down large groups of mobs, weak vs ranged mobs, lower magical ability.
16, The researchers think that the key may be calorie control, and a healthy breakfast has an almost magical ability to help with that throughout the day.
17, When is the first evidence that we had acquired this magical ability and were finally mentally modern?
More similar words: physical abilityscalabilitysalabilitymental abilitynatural abilitycalculabilityfinancial abilitylabilityavailabilitycoagulabilityinoculabilityrecyclabilityinviolabilitycontrol abilityunavailabilitymanipulabilitypalatabilitybioavailabilitycontrollabilitytime availabilityamicabilityavailability ratioapplicabilitypracticabilitycommunicabilityinapplicabilityinextricabilitymagicalimpracticabilitymagically
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